Growing Pains: The Evolution of Instagram and 3 of the Newest Updates
by admin
Posted on May 24, 2016 at 18:20 PM
Instagram is now a mammoth in the realm of social media platforms. With well over 300 million active monthly users, fans of this photo-centric platform have proven their loyalty with over 30 billion photos to date. That’s 5 times more photos than people on the earth, just FYI. Following closely behind Facebook in usage, Instagram […]
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Take Off Your Invisibility Cloak: Why Your Content Is Going Unnoticed
by admin
Posted on September 24, 2015 at 15:46 PM
The Internet is a hodge-podge of information, a beautifully woven web of viral videos and factual business tidbits, how-to articles and DIY ideas, stunning photography and not-so-hot selfies. With all of this digital buzz, how can your web content stand out? If your blogs, social media and other content are losing traction, there may be […]
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You’re On the Air: Meerkat, Periscope and the Explosion of Social Live Streaming
by admin
Posted on April 07, 2015 at 17:41 PM
These days, there’s very little in the way of personal boundaries when it comes to social media. Moreover, with so many new platforms popping up on a monthly basis, it’s hard to keep up with the new offerings that are actually worth trying as a business. A gaping hole in the fabric of social media […]
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The Award for Most Improved Goes To…Social Media! 3 New Features That Will Make Your Company Look Hip
by admin
Posted on March 30, 2015 at 13:04 PM
Sure, we all have days when we scream at our computers, yelling obscenities at our social media platforms for all of their limitations and drama. No? Maybe that’s just me. Social media trends are constantly changing, sometimes leaving us scratching our heads as to who came up with THAT idea. However, there were some positive […]
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It Pays to be Social! No really, Facebook’s Update Makes Businesses Pay to Play
by admin
Posted on December 10, 2014 at 14:55 PM
Over 1 billion people use Facebook every month (1.35 billion, to be exact). Understandably, that’s a lot of stuff clogging up the news feed. A new update, which rolls out mid-January 2015, will filter out unpaid promotional posts that businesses post as regular status updates in user news feeds. With the average person on Facebook […]
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Do It For The Vine! How Big Brands Use the Platform
by admin
Posted on September 10, 2014 at 15:48 PM
Many marketers see the Vine social media platform as a double-edged sword. These six second videos can be wildly entertaining and are highly shared on other platforms, but it’s incredibly challenging for some businesses to find meaningful ways to use them in their branding without looking like they’re trying too hard to be trendy. However, […]
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The Top 5 Most Obvious Ways to Make Money Using Pinterest
by admin
Posted on September 03, 2014 at 15:45 PM
If you’re active on Pinterest, you know it can become a perpetual wormhole. It’s a place you might decide to peruse while your chicken pot pie is cooking in the oven, but suddenly, it’s two hours later and you smell smoke. Pinterest sucks people in, teasing them with tantalizing recipes, photos of outfits they covet, […]
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5 Reasons Why Your Social Media is Bombing and You Don’t Even Know It
by admin
Posted on August 01, 2014 at 15:42 PM
Social media campaigning can sometimes be an elusive concept to execute successfully. Navigating the social media landscape is a system of trial and error, and discovering the sweet spot in your marketing can be like experiencing a unicorn sighting. Instead, you may have settled on a complacent, comfortable campaign because frankly, it’s better than doing […]
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5 Face-Palms: Social Media No’s-No’s Continued
by admin
Posted on July 23, 2014 at 15:41 PM
Last month, we held a short presentation about the do’s and don’ts of social media. Not surprisingly, we’ve come across even more face-palm moments captured on social media for the world to see, including some cross-over into print and other marketing avenues. The results are both mind-boggling and hilarious. Let the fun begin: Don’t Use Unrelated […]
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Five Mistakes You’re Making with Your Brand Videos
by admin
Posted on June 06, 2014 at 15:36 PM
By now you probably understand the importance of implementing video in a comprehensive marketing strategy. If not, read this blog. And this one. Aaaand this one. If you are already using video, make sure you are avoiding these five faux pas about video production and promotion. Not Being Creative Ugh. There’s nothing worse than having […]
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What Twitter and AOL Have in Common: The Evolution of Usage
by admin
Posted on May 14, 2014 at 15:35 PM
In 2006, Twitter entered the social media scene, barely registering a blip on the radar until around 2008. For the next five years, it would revolutionize how we connect with each other, but as of late Twitter has become more of a dinosaur in the shadow of more current platforms. The Atlantic e-zine recently said, […]
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The Smartphone BOOM: Why You Should Include Baby Boomers in Your Smartphone Incentives
by admin
Posted on April 17, 2014 at 15:30 PM
Kids these days…always on their cell phones. The stereotype is that teens and young adults (let’s go with 35 years old and under) can expertly walk, text and browse the internet all at the same time on their handy smart phones. It’s safe to say that young Americans have become more dependent and somewhat transfixed […]
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The Social Media Lowdown: How to Differentiate Your Social Media Strategy
by admin
Posted on April 08, 2014 at 15:26 PM
For some, social media is a playground of opportunity. For others, it’s the bane of their existence, where they struggle to understand the platforms, audiences, and the ever-elusive art of the perfect post. Fret not; we have some tips that may help you navigate the waters. Facebook and Google+: ‘The Country Club Luncheon’ (rubbing elbows […]
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The Marketing Scoop: What a Comprehensive Strategy Looks Like
by admin
Posted on April 07, 2014 at 15:25 PM
We get a lot of questions about what businesses might be leaving out of their comprehensive marketing strategy. While every business is different, there is a ‘milk and bread’ philosophy we like to tell our clients about, which is to say that you should always consider the following strategies the ground floor of their marketing […]
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Use Hashtags Sparingly on Facebook: A Single One Will Do and Here’s Why
by admin
Posted on April 06, 2014 at 15:23 PM
Hashtags are stellar ways to quickly distribute information about trending topics. Twitter is a great platform for this, but Instagram sits on the throne and rules the hashtag kingdom. By making pictures easily discoverable, users find new connections with each other in ways that other platforms can only dream of. Instagram is known for its […]
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It Pays to be Original: How to Make Sure Your Facebook Business Posts Show Up in the News Feed
by admin
Posted on April 05, 2014 at 15:22 PM
Facebook regularly updates their news feed algorithms, much to the dismay of online marketers who scramble to keep up with the ever-changing landscape. The most recent update has perhaps been the most unwelcome of all for businesses. The importance of status updates has decreased for brands, simply because they generally see less overall engagement than […]
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B2B’s, Don’t “B” Crazy: You Still Need to Engage on Social Media
by admin
Posted on April 03, 2014 at 15:02 PM
You’re a B2B business. Your customers are other businesses, which means you rarely deal with consumers directly. You may be thinking there’s no point in having a presence on social media. After all, you aren’t talking to consumers, so why bother? We’re glad you asked. A study by IDG Research has shown that businesses are […]
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Get Visual With Instagram: Joining the Next IT Crowd
by admin
Posted on April 02, 2014 at 15:00 PM
Before you can create a successful social media campaign to promote your business, you need to know where your customers are perusing online. Facebook may be the most popular social network with over 1 billion users (yes, billion), but it may not be the only place you can use as your brand’s megaphone. A new […]
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Turn Brand Bashing into Brand Boasting: Amazon’s Latest Price Hike and How Social Media Ran Interference
by admin
Posted on April 01, 2014 at 14:59 PM
Social media is not just a great way to attract new customers. These days, if you aren’t connecting through social media, you can bet your bottom dollar that your competition is. The social media universe can be convoluted and incredibly daunting. You imagine your important updates being mixed with Aunt Gertrude’s millionth picture of […]
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