Show, Don’t Tell: 5 Ways Video Can Be Implemented in Your Marketing Strategy
by admin
Posted on May 01, 2014 at 15:34 PM
Let’s say you are selling a chair. This chair is uber cool, with incredible features at a great price point. Your online e-commerce website is optimized for SEO, and you get a decent amount of traffic to your site each month. So why are sales for the chair a tad subpar? If you haven’t included video in your marketing strategy, you may be surprised to know that it could significantly increase sales.
Statistics reported by Invodo state a few critical points about Web video. First and foremost, retail site visitors who view video stay on a website two minutes longer. They are a whopping 68 percent more likely to purchase based on the video they watched. This means that while you may think creating quality videos for use in television may be an outdated form of advertising, producing quality videos for the web is a must if you want to increase sales. With over 90 percent of consumers watching online video, you definitely need a piece of that pie!
Not only does on-site video increase sales, but marketers who use video in email marketing report increased click-through rates, time spent reading the email, shares and forwards, conversion rates and dollars generated.
Now that you’re convinced that your marketing strategy should include video, you may be wondering how you can show off the hypothetical, inanimate chair in a video. Here are five ways that adding video can boost sales for that product:
- Magnify – The most important aspect of any sale is making sure that your customer knows exactly what they are buying. Looking at a chair online is challenging enough if you only have a photo silhouette to look at for reference. A video that shows close up details of the chair’s fabric or legs, along with any functionality or moving parts, will give the customer a much better idea of what they are buying.
- Inspire – What if a consumer really loves the chair, but can’t visualize how it would fit into their home? Adding a video with interior design tips on how to decorate or arrange furniture using the chair might give them the ‘ah-ha’ moment they need. By positioning yourself as not only a product provider, but also as an industry insider, you will have the opportunity to sell other relevant products (like rugs or accessories) on your site too.
- Demonstrate – Uh-oh! Your customer spilled wine on the chair they just purchased. They don’t know what to do, which gives you a great opportunity to demonstrate how to spot clean their chair! Does the chair have any other features or benefits that could be demonstrated on video, such as reversible cushions or tips on keeping the leather supple?
- Instruct – There’s nothing better than a company who can anticipate an answer to a question that hasn’t yet been asked. With video, you can be helpful to your customers by offering instructions, like how to assemble the chair once it arrives to their home. Include a DVD or link on the instructions so they’ll have instant access to exactly what they need to get the job done.
- Humanize – A great way to connect with your customers in a personal way is to offer a glimpse into your company. With these videos you can talk about your amazing staff, your awesome shipping or return policy, the eco-friendly products you use, the people behind the manufacturing or any other number of topics. The point is to engage your customer in touch points that encourage them to shop with you again.
These are just a few examples of ways to implement video, but there is no limit to how creative you can get with your marketing. Our advice? Make sure your video is high impact and high quality. When representing your business, don’t rely on your smartphone or an employee who is a video hobbyist to create a compelling, well-done video. Hiring a crew to do it the right way will save you time and make you money.